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Sibiu Tourist Guide

Strada Semaforului, Sibiu

The following places can be found in Strada Semaforului in Sibiu:

Pizzeria, Sibiu

There is a lot of Italian cuisine on offer in Sibiu, especially in the summer months when hundreds of people gather on the terraces to share pizza.

Pizzeria 77 Junior

Strada Semaforului, Nr. 6, Sibiu

Club 77 pizza
Pizza pe vatra, cuptor cu lemne

M: 0754 202 777

Café, Sibiu

Open during the day for tea & coffee and also often alcoholic drinks and small snacks. Outdoor seating is popular during the summer months.

Mona Lisa Café Unique

Strada Semaforului, Nr. 15, Sibiu

M: 0745 835 951

Staţie de taxi, Sibiu

Taxis are generally easy to find, especially if you know where they congregate.

Statie Taxi Semaforului

Strada Semaforului, Sibiu

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